Global Issues Today

Travel Books: Educational books

An English language college textbook aimed at developing English reading skills while stimulating students to think about important global issues.


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Welcome to an English language textbook dealing with global issues.

Designed for college students, especially in Asia,  this textbook aims at developing English reading skills while stimulating students to think about important global issues. Armed with the right thematic vocabulary, the right comprehension skills and listening skills, students can then go on to debate the key issues with confidence.

The themes cover lifestyle, social issues and environmental issues, ranging from consumerism to crime, from global warming to global terrorism, from urban pollution to unemployment. The textbook contains guided reading texts and is accomapnied by audio tapes.

The book's 24 chapters are divided into 3 parts: (1) The Environment - urban problems, car pollution, global warming, endangered wildlife, nuclear energy, environmental action; (2) Society - families, old age, women in society (especially in an Asian context), unemployment, smoking, crime, global culture; (3) Human Beings - loneliness, relationships, stress, consumerism, computers, fast food, happiness. Each chapter contains a 2-page reading, vocabulary notes, comprehension and listening exercises.

Global Issues Today by John Randle and Lisa Gerard-Sharp (copyright © Seibido Publishers (Tokyo, Japan).
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